Thursday, June 19, 2008

Does Your Expired Domain Name Signify And Possess Branding Ability?

Buying expired domains is becoming a big craze among domain traders. Buying expired domains or domains expiring is a continuous activity that needs your dedication and persistence. Domain traders always buy new expired domains by searching through an exhaustive keyword directory. Searching for keywords helps you find out those niche keywords with very important commercial applications. An expired or domains soon expiring could contain a commercially important and niche keyword contained in its domain name. Most of these expired domain names could also possess and portray a distinctive branding ability.Creating a special brand for your business always involves spending a huge amount of money in active advertising and promotion. Further, advertizing a web portal to build a special brand around it is a time consuming task that demands hours of dedicated work. If you do not have these resources with you, you can always try and buy expired domain names that are capable of providing a corporate brand to the business. You can always create brand awareness, by choosing and buying an expired domain name that really carries and conveys the issue of what is the web portal all about and what it gives to its visitors.
Buying an expired domain name with in-built ability to provide branding ability involves a lot of research and development work. You may buy a name that has a perceived ability to give a distinctive brand to your web portal. But, you still have to toil for hours to build the purchased expired domain to convert it into a special niche. Here are some practical examples:Let us say that you have found a series of niche keywords on parenting keyword. Now, if you want to buy some expired domain names based on this special keyword, you will need to ensure that the chosen keyword can convey a distinctive and special corporate branding ability. The selected expired domain name should not only have a good searching placement in many major search engines, it should also be memorable and easily recalled. To establish branding with the selected expired domain name, you may consider the following salient points:a) Choosing a keyword that relates to everyday experience and feelings could be an intelligent thing. For example, BabyFeeding or BabyHealth can instantly create a good rapport between a mother and her child.b) Choosing a keyword like MasterDegree will appeal to all those studious people, who wish to pursue their master degrees. Here, the selected keyword connects the inbuilt feelings of people with that of the expired domain name.c) A keyword that is easily searchable is better than the one that is almost impossible to remember and search. For example, a keyword like MyFavoriteSoup is quite inferior to MySoup.Establishing a brand and a corporate identity over your chosen expired domain is very difficult and time consuming. However, with careful planning and by applying your intelligence mind, you can buy an expired domain that will allow you to create a special brand and niche web portal.
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John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

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